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Eagle Phenix Mills

Eagle & phenix historic riverfront living logo

Eagle Phenix Mills

n December of 2003 the mill property was repurchased by W. C. Bradley Co. As present owners, W.C. Bradley Co. is restoring the mills to as near their early 1900 condition as practical.The dam and millrace located to the west of the mill site provided direct waterpower using water wheels and turbines until the early 1900’s. The two power house buildings located out on the dam abutments were constructed as the mills were converted from direct waterpower to electric power. We have been told one of the generators in the upper power house comes from Chicago World’s Fair and a turbine in the lower power house was salvaged when the Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia power houses were dismantled.

As you can see the Eagle & Phenix has been a vibrant part of the history of Columbus. With the end of the textile industry in the southern United States, this beautiful property has now been re-developed as a mixed-use residential and commercial community that is once again the pride of Columbus, GA.

See more of our commercial projects here.

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